Have an automatic car? Avoid these errors to maintain the transmission
Have an automatic car? Avoid these errors to maintain the transmission
Automatic driving is easy compared to a manual transmission, which provides the driver with the hassle of frequent transmission and allows him to focus better. However, common faults sometimes result in damage to the entire gearbox.
1. Do not move from driving mode (D) to return (R) before stopping: This is a common mistake, because switching from driving mode to reversing or reversing non-stop severely damages the gearbox. In fact, the driver uses the gearbox and not the brakes to turn off the car.
2. Do not put the vehicle on the P position before the total stop: Modern cars leave no room to commit this error because they are fitted with sensors that prevent it. P (P) is designed to keep the car from moving after stopping, not to stop it at the base. When the car is in the idle mode, the transmission is switched off.
3. Do not put the vehicle in neutral position (N) at traffic lights. Some people mistakenly think that putting the car on N when stopping at the signals relieves pressure from the gearbox, but it is best to use the brake driver and keep the vehicle on the driving position (D). The neutral situation makes it difficult for the driver to do any emergency maneuver because he is less controlled in his car. It is right that the driver makes the transmission in the driving position, and introduces it to the brakes and prepares to move until it fully controls its vehicle.
4 - Do not put a lot of the car on the field of neutrality (N): Some think that if he supervised the slope, if not put the car to N, it will save some fuel. The automatic motors are designed to provide fuel even for driving position D, and the shift to the N lane on a highway reduces the driver's control of the vehicle.
The acceleration of the car from the sleep situation is detrimental to the gears as these components depend on the friction of the transition from one situation to another, so the automatic shift of the movement leads to damage early, and the right is to run the car and then move gradually.
6 - Do not leave the level of the fuel tank low frequently: automatic cars need to pressure the appropriate liquid material to function properly, and also maintains fuel on some components of the car, and also helps the engine. If the driver used to walk low on the fuel tank, these components would wear out early.
7 - Beware of the arrival of water to the gearbox: The income of the water gearbox even slightly, it will often damage the box completely
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