Beware of these signs .. All you need to know about the disease of "herpes" or firearm
Beware of these signs .. All you need to know about the disease of "herpes" or firearm
Many children suffer from chickenpox, which spreads the form of painful itching throughout the body, but the symptoms of the disease can be gradually eliminated. Sometimes, the viruses that cause chicken pox can not be completely eradicated, remain in the body and last a lifetime.
It may activate later and cause the injury of the fiery belt also known as "herpes zoster", and for those suffering from this disease, these complications of the disease of the belt or "herpes", and treatment and how to prevent it:
- At the beginning must identify the complications are:
- Neurological pain
For some people, the pain may persist after a long period of warts and its disappearance, and occurs when damaged nerve fibers send mixed, exaggerated messages of pain from the skin to the brain, one of the most common complications.
- Eye infections
It can cause painful eye infections
- Different neurological problems
Depending on which nerves have been affected, the fiery belt can cause facial pain, or balance problems.
- Skin infections:
If the blister blisters are not properly treated, bacterial skin infections may occur.
The treatment is often cured of herpes simplex automatically without a specific treatment of the disease itself, only the treatment of the symptoms of the disease, and can be treated by:
- Antivirus
It helps to reduce the duration of the disease, pain, and also the complications likely to occur, and is a protection for the patient if he suffers from immunodeficiency, preferably within 24 hours of pain, and in the form of tablets taken 4-5 times a day for 10 days, In the vein if the patient is suffering from a severe immune deficiency.
- pain killers
Regular analgesics such as paracetamol are commonly used, and your doctor may have to use stronger pain medications such as steroids, anti-epileptic drugs, depression to control acute pain and even use topical drugs as well as help soothe pain.
Fortunately, scientists have developed a vaccine for the virus that causes the disease. The best way to prevent this disease is to take these vaccines and follow some preventive methods to avoid the disease.
- Giving the chickenpox vaccine to children.
- Give the virus vaccine range of follicular persons over the age of 50, and this does not prevent the injury of the belt of fire, but greatly reduces the risk of injury.
- Do not touch the personal tools of the injured until after washing in boiling water.
- Stay away from contact with the skin of the infected person, especially the presence of vesicles to prevent the transmission of infection (especially pregnant women).
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